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Resumen de Orientação de pais on-line no tratamento do uso problemático de internet pela criança

Mariana Fortes de Sá Pianovski, Jocelaine Martins da Silveira

  • English

    Problematic internet use has a strong association with psychosocial health. Studies have reported overuse of technology in different countries. The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an online parenting training in reducing patterns of Problematic internet use by their children from records collected by Qustódio® for three children. For this, an A-B design with two replications was used. The intervention consisted on the application of an online, individual and reduced version of Promove-Pais on three mothers. Before and after the beginning of application and in the follow-up phase, psychological instruments were applied to measure social skills, internet addiction, depression, anxiety and stress. Also, one week before the start of the intervention, Qustódio® was installed on the devices used by the children and monitoring of the video game use started for the children who had this device. All participants were aware of the relevance of this monitoring, so they avoided sharing the devices with other child, during data collection. The intervention consisted of applying a short version of Promove-Pais. In the present study, an on-line and individual version was delivered for the three participants. The version evaluated in the present study lasted 10 hours and it was shortened to five sessions.

    The original program has fourteen sessions and approximately 14 hours. A closing session was performed after the intervention to repeat the measurements. Then, a four-week follow-up was done. On this occasion, feedback about the entire process was provided and the mothers filled all the instruments once again. Besides, they had their doubts resolved and psychological referral was provided, if necessary.

    The results indicate a statistically significant reduction in the use of cell phones and computers, and it was also possible to visually verify signs of a reduction in the use of video games. For the three mothers, the psychological instruments showed signs of a better mental health in general, with reduction of stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, an improvement in mothers’ social skills and in their children’s skills were observed. The results were discussed in terms of the possibility of applying the Promove-Pais in a virtual environment, for the treatment of problematic internet use in children. It is recommended that future studies carry out a randomized clinical trial to verify the generality of the data.

  • português

    O uso problemático da internet e a saúde psicossocial apresentam diversas associações. O presente estudo visa avaliar a efetividade de uma orientação on-line de pais na redução de padrões de uso problemático na internet pelos seus filhos. O método consiste em um delineamento A-B, com duas replicações. A condição B consiste na aplicação de uma versão on-line e condensada do programa Promove Pais. O programa foi aplicado individualmente em três mães. Elas responderam instrumentos para medidas de habilidades sociais, “vício” na internet, depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Um aplicativo para monitoramento do tempo de uso foi instalado nos aparelhos utilizados pelas crianças. O uso de videogame foi monitorado em plataforma própria. Os resultados indicam redução estatisticamente significativa para o tempo de uso do celular e do computador, havendo indícios de redução do uso do videogame. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros avaliem a generalidade dos dados encontrados por meio de ensaios clínicos randomizados.

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