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Resumen de Curricular development required to support Adaptive Predictive Expert Control projects and business in industry

Antonio Nevado Reviriego, Héctor Pastor Borgoñón, Rebeca Rada Llano, Ken Slaven, Juan M. Martín Sánchez

  • This paper has been written to identify the needsand competencies required for new graduate studentintake in a small company dedicated to the design andbuild of process control systems for a variety ofapplications in a diverse range of industries. Whileemphasis has been placed on core technical competenciessuch as IT (Information Technology), electronics, controltechniques, industrial process knowledge, projectmanagement and perhaps an ability to relate to diverseand unfamiliar industries from a control perspective,there is also an emphasis on the softer cognitive skills suchas communication, presentation and being effective in ateam. There should be a recognition among students thatbase skills will change as the industrial environmentchanges and new technologies emerge. The combination ofskills required should lead therefore to a process ofcontinuous improvement, change and life long learningwell beyond the content of the course.

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