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Resumen de Force field analysis of supporting and inhibiting factors producers’ income in the RI-PNG border area

Elsyan Rienette Marlissa

  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors supporting and inhibiting the income of traders in the RI-PNG border area.

      Theoretical framework: In the trade process, Producers have a very important role in the process of buying and selling transactions. Producers are faced with driving factors which can support and influence the business so that it can progress and develop so as to increase the income received.

      Design/methodology/approach: This study uses secondary data in the form of interviews using questionnaires. The analytical tool used is Force Field Analysis (FFA) to see the factors supporting and inhibiting the income of producers (traders) in the RI-PNG border area.

      Findings: The results of the study based on the FFA analysis conducted stated that the highest key success factor in the supporting factor was the cooperative relationship between producers (traders) and the government, while the inhibiting factor was the low quality of human resources.

      Research, Practical & Social implications: The results of this study can be used by policy makers, namely the government in connection with the known supporting and inhibiting factors in order to make policies that can increase the income and welfare of producers as well as provide benefits to the state.The results of this study can also be useful for the community at large because it opens their understanding of trade conditions in the RI-PNG border area, as well as factors that support and hinder, so that it can become new knowledge in the community.

      Originality/value: The RI-PNG border area can become an area of economic growth because of the economic activities that occur. Various potential products can be traded through trade that occurs at the border. Therefore, besides focusing on infrastructure development around the border area, the government also needs to improve the character of the community so that they are able to compete in the trade to increase the community's income.The difference from previous research and this research is that most of the previous research only focused on the topic of producer income. Meanwhile, this study focuses on the factors supporting and inhibiting the opinion of producers in the RI-PNG

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