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The panel data regression: relationship of the exports, imports and intake of oil reserves son oil production levels in southwest asian countriesto contribute to state revenue (The implement of International Trade Theory)

  • Autores: Abdul Rahman, Iskandar Muda, Caroline Caroline, Putri Damayanti Panjaitan, Rama Yolanda Situmorang
  • Localización: International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof.Bus. Rev., ISSN 2525-3654, ISSN-e 2525-3654, Vol. 7, Nº. 3, 2022
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Purpose :The paper aims to test the connectionthe exports, imports of oil reserves at Southwest Asia in 2016 to 2019. The data used is secondary data from 8 countries in Southwest Asia, obtained from databank.worldbank.org.

        Theoritical Framework :The panel data combination from the same partial observed withThe Common, Fixed and Random Effect Model test.

        Design/Methodology/Approach :The relationship and compile the percentage modeling of exports, imports, and refining intake to the level of oil production in Southwest Asian countries. The eviews software data processing application. Due to the increasing world oil demand, it is necessary to know the estimated level of oil production in the 2016 to 2019 period. Based on these conditions, variable assumptions that affect each other are used, namely exports, imports, and exports. distillation intake through  approaches.

        Findings :The production and the independent variable has a relationship with each other. Through t-statistical test data, import variables (X1), export variables (X2), oil reserves intake variables(X3) through hypotheses H0 (no effect) and H1 (influence), show a probability of less than 5% which has a significant effect on production (Y) oil in West Asia.

        Research implication :The results of this study contribute to and support The International Trade Theory.

        Practical implication :When a country can establish friendship, it is possible to happen as in the political, cultural, educational, and so on. So indirectly it can help meet the needs in other sectors besides the economy.

        Social implication :The benefits that can be received by countries from international trade are increased prosperity and increased social status. Prosperity can be observed from the economic activities carried out by producers, consumers, and the government who both benefit. All three of them felt the prosperity of this activity.

        Originality/Value : The peculiarity of this research is that it examines selected Asian countries that have not been carried out in previous studies and proves the robustness of the International Trade Theory.

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