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Resumen de Pesquisa-ação no jornalismo infantil: o podcast Radinho BdF:

Juliana Doretto

  • español

    Produced by the communication group Brasil de Fato, Radinho BdF is a weekly podcast, of around 30 minutes, aimed at children and their caregivers. Produced since April 2020, the format addresses a theme as its main story, in addition to games, storytelling, music, and reci-pes. This work presents the consequences of an action-research in the production of the pro-gram: by an advisory process, weekly debates were established with one of the reporters, with proposals for new stories and productive routines, and measures to assist in obtaining sources. As a result, we noted an inflection in the direction of the program, with the inclusion of more children’s voices, reinforcing their protagonism in the podcast construction.

  • English

    Produced by the communication group Brasil de Fato, Radinho BdF is a weekly podcast, of around 30 minutes, aimed at children and their caregivers. Produced since April 2020, the format addresses a theme as its main story, in addition to games, storytelling, music, and recipes. This work presents the consequences of an action-research in the production of the program: by an advisory process, weekly debates were established with one of the reporters, with proposals for new stories and productive routines, and measures to assist in obtaining sources. As a result, we noted an inflection in the direction of the program, with the inclusion of more children’s voices, reinforcing their protagonism in the podcast construction.

  • português

    Produzido pelo grupo de comunicação Brasil de Fato, o Radinho BdF é um podcast semanal, de cerca 30 minutos, voltado às crianças e aos seus cuidadores. Produzido desde abril de 2020, o formato aborda um tema como reportagem principal, além de trazer brincadeiras, con-tação de histórias, músicas e receitas. Este trabalho apresenta os desdobramentos de uma pro-posta de pesquisa-ação na produção do programa: por meio de um processo de assessoria, es-tabeleceram-se debates semanais com uma das realizadoras, com propostas de novas aborda-gens e rotinas produtivas, além de medidas de auxílio na obtenção de fontes. Como resulta-dos, notou-se uma inflexão no direcionamento do programa, com a inclusão de mais vozes de crianças, ressaltando seu protagonismo na construção do podcast.

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