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Resumen de Propuesta de Intervención para Desarrollo del Capital Psicológico

Fernando Toro Álvarez

  • español

    La literatura ha puesto en evidencia que el capital psicológico es un constructo bien fundamentado, conceptual y metodológicamente. Su utilidad y conveniencia están en su relevancia para comprender asuntos sociales y organizacionales como desempeño, bienestar subjetivo, emprendimiento o clima organizacional. Estudios recientes han mostrado la eficacia de estrategias educativas para desarrollo del capital psicológico y de cada uno de sus cuatro componentes: esperanza, eficacia, optimismo y resiliencia. No obstante, los efectos de esas estrategias no han logrado permanecer por más de tres meses. El presente escrito contiene una nueva estrategia pensada para desarrollar en las personas estas condiciones, de modo que las mejoras obtenidas persistan por períodos más amplios. Esta mejora en la permanencia del aprendizaje se fundamenta en el desarrollo de procesos de regulación de emociones positivas y en un plan de aprendizaje distribuido en varias sesiones, que ayuda a la repetición y reforzamiento de elementos cognitivos, emocionales y conductuales adquiridos en las sesiones. Este escrito sugiere alternativas de aplicación de la estrategia y criterios para su evaluación.Resumen alternativo:Psychological Capital is a well-supported construct on theory and methodology. Its convenience and usefulness depend on its relevance to the understanding of social and organizational issues such as performance, subjective wellbeing, entrepreneurship or organizational climate. Recent studies have evidenced the effectiveness of education strategies leaded to the psychological capital development and each one of its components: hope, efficacy, optimism and resilience. The effects of such strategies have remained for no more than three months. Current paper offers a new strategy to the improvement of psychological capital that allows to keep the gains achieved for longer periods. This improvement in learning permanence is supported on the training of positive emotions regulation and a plan of distributed learning along several sessions, intended to repeat and reinforce cognitive, emotional and behavioral improvements achieved in previous sessions. Current paper considers also alternatives to apply the strategy suggested and criteria for its assessment.

  • English

    Psychological Capital is a well-supported construct on theory and methodology. Its convenience and usefulness depend on its relevance to the understanding of social and organizational issues such as performance, subjective wellbeing, entrepreneurship or organizational climate. Recent studies have evidenced the effectiveness of education strategies leaded to the psychological capital development and each one of its components: hope, efficacy, optimism and resilience. The effects of such strategies have remained for no more than three months. Current paper offers a new strategy to the improvement of psychological capital that allows to keep the gains achieved for longer periods. This improvement in learning permanence is supported on the training of positive emotions regulation and a plan of distributed learning along several sessions, intended to repeat and reinforce cognitive, emotional and behavioral improvements achieved in previous sessions. Current paper considers also alternatives to apply the strategy suggested and criteria for its assessment.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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