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Resumen de Rendimientos productivos de terneros cebones de razas asturianas bajo dos estrategias de manejo

A. Román Trufero, R. Celaya Aguirre, A.A. Martínez, V. García, Koldo Osoro Otaduy

  • The performance of castrated steers was studied comparing two local Asturian breeds, Asturiana de los Valles (AV) and Asturiana de la Montaña (AM), and two management strategies: one consisting in yearling steers utilizing mountain pastures during the summer in the second year of life, and another consisting in yearling steers grazing on lowland improved pastures. Animals were slaughtered at an age of aproximately 33 months. In general, live weight gains were higher in AV breed than in AM, resulting in greater slaughter and carcass weights in the former. The steers utilizing mountain pastures in their second year of life showed a compensatory growth in next periods. Thus previous differences were counterbalanced in the next year, so there were no differences between managements in the final weight at slaughter and carcass weight and yield.

Fundación Dialnet

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