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Resumen de Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de sistemas mixtos ovino-cultivos en Aragón

Rodrigo da Silveira Nicoloso, Ana Olaizola Tolosana, Olivia Barrantes Díaz, I. Blasco, R. Reiné, Leticia Riaguas Rupérez, Enrique Fantova Puyalto, M. I. Cuartielles, Emilio Manrique Persiva

  • Among the methods developed for sustainability assessment, MESMIS (acronym in Spanish) (Framework for assessing the Sustainability of Natural Resource Management Systems) follows a holistic approach, can be applied at different scales, including the farm scale and assure universal applicability to natural resource management systems at attributes level. The objective of this work was to evaluate the sustainability of mixed sheep farming systems by means of farm typology. Most farms (45 %) were included in Group 1 "More self-sufficiency and stability" and only 15 % of farms were "less sustainable "(Group 3). 20 % of farms present "Best productivity" (Group 2) and 20 % "Best Equity" (Group 4). The sustainability assessment of mixed sheep farms showed that mixed sheep farms presented higher levels of self-sufficiency and equity than productivity

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