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Resumen de Reflexión sobre Subjetividad y Juicios de Coherencia en el Trabajo

Fernando Toro Álvarez

  • español

    En este escrito se aborda el tema de la subjetividad desde la perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky (1925), pero en el marco de nuevas conceptualizaciones desarrolladas por González (2013). A partir de los conceptos de Sentido Subjetivo y Configuración Subjetiva se explora una manera de entender cómo se estructuran los juicios acerca de la coherencia de hechos y realidades cotidianas en el trabajo. Para el efecto se revisan diversos estudios y el alcance del significado que le atribuyen al concepto de Coherencia, además de los efectos de la coherencia y la incoherencia allí observados. La importancia de entender la naturaleza de los juicios sobre la coherencia radica en que se trata de un fenómeno cognitivo, poco estudiado, que se encuentra en la base de las explicaciones de la coherencia organizacional, la que se entiende como una condición necesaria para la supervivencia y el éxito de las organizaciones, según lo evidencian diversas investigaciones económicas, administrativas, gerenciales, sociológicas y de psicología organizacional. Esta reflexión comienza con una exploración del concepto de subjetividad, luego examina el manejo del concepto de coherencia en varios contextos de análisis, hasta proponer una manera de entender cómo se forman los juicios personales acerca de la coherencia de las realidades en el trabajo, para luego proponer una manera de entender la subjetividad en los ambientes formales de trabajo.Resumen alternativo:It is discussed in this paper the subjectivity issue from Vygotsky's (1925) sociocultural perspective, considering new conceptual developments by Gonzalez (2013) as the focus of interest in this writing. On the bases of Subjective Sense and Subjective Configuration constructs the author explores a way of understanding how persons process ideas about the coherence of every day facts and experiences at work. With this purpose in mind are described several studies and the meaning of coherence there managed, as well as the effects of coherence and incoherence observed. A good understanding of coherence judgments is needed because the issue has been scarcely studied and the concept is on the basis of organizational coherence explanations. Organizational coherence is a necessary condition for organizations to survive and succeed, such as diverse economic, administrative, managerial, sociological and organizational studies have evidenced. This reflection begins with an exploration of the subjectivity concept, afterwards considers the concept of coherence in several analytical contexts in order to propose a way of understanding the coherence at work, something useful and necessary to win a better understanding of subjectivity at work. On the basis of this analysis a different way of understanding coherence in the organizational context is suggested.

  • English

    It is discussed in this paper the subjectivity issue from Vygotsky's (1925) sociocultural perspective, considering new conceptual developments by Gonzalez (2013) as the focus of interest in this writing. On the bases of Subjective Sense and Subjective Configuration constructs the author explores a way of understanding how persons process ideas about the coherence of every day facts and experiences at work. With this purpose in mind are described several studies and the meaning of coherence there managed, as well as the effects of coherence and incoherence observed. A good understanding of coherence judgments is needed because the issue has been scarcely studied and the concept is on the basis of organizational coherence explanations. Organizational coherence is a necessary condition for organizations to survive and succeed, such as diverse economic, administrative, managerial, sociological and organizational studies have evidenced. This reflection begins with an exploration of the subjectivity concept, afterwards considers the concept of coherence in several analytical contexts in order to propose a way of understanding the coherence at work, something useful and necessary to win a better understanding of subjectivity at work. On the basis of this analysis a different way of understanding coherence in the organizational context is suggested.

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