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Resumen de Out into the fields -exploring the role of fieldwork in geography education

B. van Gorp, Gery Nijenhuis, Tine Béneker

  • Fieldwork is an important component of the bachelor programme in Human Geography andSpatial Planning. Students learn outside the classroom during fieldtrips in Utrecht, in the Netherlandsand Europe. This study explored the meaning of fieldwork in this bachelor programme. Accordingto both teachers and students, fieldwork is an essential part of the bachelor programme. They reportthat fieldwork enables students to better understand the ‘messiness’ of ‘geographical reality’, todevelop subject knowledge, and to gain a range of skills that are difficult to develop in the classroomalone. Moreover, fieldwork motivates students and aids their self-development. Fieldwork, when wellembedded, can generate deep approaches to learning. Although fieldwork is present in several coursesspread over all years of the bachelor, striking a balance between repetition and building competencesproves difficult. Deep learning also requires reflection and feedback on time spent in the field. Ourstudy reveals that most undergraduate students are not used to reflect on their attitude, skills andbehaviour in the field. We therefore recommend to pay more specific attention to these skills, to reapthe benefits of fieldwork.

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