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Resumen de Sustainability of European think tanks: fsQCA of specialization strategies

Fernando Castello Sirvent, Vanessa Roger Monzó

  • This study analyses the main issues projected in international public opinion byEuropean economic policy think tanks and evaluates their specialization strategies.The contents published in 19 think tanks in the European Union during the decadeafter the global financial crisis of 2008 are used, according to the Global Go To ThinkTank Index Report. The thematic specialization strategies are evaluated using a causalmodel that includes economic attributes and diffusion in the media. The model istested using a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). The results confirmthat the main areas of specialization of economic policy think tanks include emergingissues related to the euro crisis, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs). The solution to the proposed model reveals that thematic specializationstrategies occur through five different causal configurations. The macroeconomiccontext of the country determines the specialization strategies of the analysed thinktanks

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