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Resumen de Digitalization of education: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and students' perception

Aurora Estrada Presedo, María A. de Miguel Valdés

  • On account of the disruptive nature of the COVID-19 disease, the present dissertationaims to analyze the main repercussions of the pandemic over the field of education. Aparticular focus is fixed on describing the process of digitalization of educationalinstitutions within the given economic context, on top of analyzing students’perception regarding the implementation of hybrid methodologies of learning. For thepurpose of comprehending the resonance of the COVID-19 pandemic over education,an analysis of its economic impact within Spain and the OECD members is performed.On the basis of this, the rapid digitalization of education as a response to the spread ofthe SARS-CoV-2 virus is discussed. Thereby, the concept of the Digital Divide is risento prominence, as education digitalization has managed to broaden global socialinequalities. Within this context the prevailing E-learning methodologies are detailed,enhancing the differences between asynchronous and synchronous learning. The topicof Blended Learning is put forward, detailing the diverse models of hybrid education.To conclude, a survey is conducted among Spanish university students with the aim ofanalyzing their insight in relation to hybrid methodologies of learning. From the resultsobtained, an indicative and objective overview of the actual perception of studentsregarding the digitalization of education is gathered

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