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Resumen de Intertextualität und Intratextualität in Ausonius’ Epitaphia heroum

Gerlinde Bretzigheimer

  • In the first chapter and in the appendix, I question the conventional thesis that acollection compiled by Porphyrios was the source Ausonius made use of for his Epitaphia. Inthe main part, I present some examples to illustrate two types of text-relations that are constitutivefor the opusculum: first the relationship between the model and the text, the so-called intertextuality(epit. 1–3), then – looking at epit. 6, 5, 13 – interrelations among the epitaphs themselveswhich I name intratextuality. The correlations help to network the diverse individual portraitsand to give coherence to the cycle.

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