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Resumen de Efecto de la suplementación con grasa sobrepasante sobre la condición corporal y la fertilidad de vacas Brahman

F. Jiménez Díaz, Antonio Manuel García Moreno, A. Quintero Moreno, N. Rojas

  • Sixty pregnant Brahman heifers were selected randomly and distributed into three treatment groups, each receiving 20 repetitions: Treatment 1 (control); Treatment 2, with a ration of wheat bran plus 150 g of bypass fats; Treatment 3, a ration based on wheat bran but without the bypass fats. The design was completely randomized, utilizing variance-covariance analysis from the SAS. Results showed that the fats had a significant effect on the body condition (BC) and weight obtaining values on the condition (pre and postpartum) and weight (467.86±1.28 vs. 452.41±0.57) significant (P<0.05), and BC also showed significant (P<0.05) results, with scores of 6.03±0.05 and 5.38±0.25. In terms of fertility, the effect of the treatment was significant (P<0.05) on the appearance of estrus and IA in the cows, obtaining 19 inseminated cows (95%) and one that did not evidence estrus (5%) in treatment 2 vs. 12 (60%) and 13 (65%) inseminated cows in the control and supplementation without fat treatment groups. Finally, a significant difference (P<0.05) was obtained when the effect of treatment was determined on pregnancy diagnosis among the inseminated cows 14 impregnated cows (70%) in the treatment group and 5 pregnant cows (25%) for the control and treatment three groups, respectively.

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