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Resumen de Gradient phonotactics and frequency: A study of German initial clusters

Paula Orzechowska, Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk

  • This paper investigates gradient markedness of word-initial consonant clusters in present-day Standard German. Markedness is determined on the basis of a phonotactic principle referred to as Net Auditory Distance. This study expands on previous analyses involving the principle by investigating which wellformedness indices implemented in the principle account best for corpus-based frequencies of consonant clusters. These indices encompass auditory distances pertaining to the manner of articulation, place of articulation and the sonorant/ obstruent distinction. Linear regression modelling involving several types of distances as independent variables has revealed a positive correlation between type frequency and only one of the indices. More specifically, type frequency increases with an increase in the sonority distance between two adjacent consonants within a cluster. This finding suggests that a well-defined distribution of sonority distances constitutes a relevant phonotactic primitive and motivates the core structure of clusters available in German.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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