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Resumen de Direito, cultura e sociedade em tempos de fake news

Tiago Seixas Themudo, Fernanda Carvalho de Almeida

  • English

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the phenomenon of fake news, false news produced and disseminated through new digital media, capable of influencing contemporary forms of perception and social action, producing both far-reaching and economic political consequences. We will investigate the context in which fake news appears, highlighting the relationship between technoculture, the social dynamics of democracies and subjectivities. Finally, we will address the way in which some societies have tried to respond legally to the damage that false news produces, in an effort to regulate and qualify communication structures. To this end, this article will use the deductive method, using critical literature on theories of culture and legal science, and normative documents. In this way, it is intended to contribute to the qualification of reflection and debate on the problem of freedom of expression, its possible limits and relations with the functioning of democracy.

    Keywords:  Culture. Technology. Free speach. Fake news.

  • português

    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o fenômeno das fake news, notícias falsas produzidas e disseminadas através dos novos meios de comunicação digitais, capazes de influenciar as formas contemporâneas de percepção e ação social, produzindo tanto consequências políticas de largo alcance quanto econômicas. Investigaremos o contexto no qual surgem as fake news, destacando a relação existente entre a tecnocultura, a dinâmica social das democracias e as subjetividades. Por fim, abordaremos a maneira como algumas sociedades tem tentando responder aos prejuízos que as notícias falsas produzem, no esforço de regulamentar e qualificar as estruturas de comunicação, preservando integralmente as liberdades democráticas.

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