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Resumen de El Método Delphi Cualitativo y su Rigor Científico: Una revisión argumentativa

Edgar Leonardo Cañizares Cedeño, Karla Estefanía Suárez Mena

  • español

    El método Delphi es uno de los más utilizados y reconocidos debido a sus características, que ayudan a analizar los principales factores de un entorno y a pronosticar el comportamiento futuro de un fenómeno. A pesar de su amplia aceptación y uso, algunos autores han cuestionado su rigor científico. Mediante una exhaustiva y sistemática revisión de la literatura científica y con el empleo de los métodos: revisión bibliográfica, análisis de contenido y analítico-sintético, se analizaron, interpretaron, cotejaron y resumieron los textos encontrados en libros, tesis de grado y, ensayos y artículos científicos relativos a la temática estudiada, lo que permitió la discusión sobre las bondades y malas prácticas en el uso del método Delphi. Se concluye que el problema del método Delphi radica, en la incorrecta aplicación de la metodología y en las falencias al llevar a cabo las acciones necesarias para asegurar su rigor científico. Este es un método vigente, aceptado por la comunidad científica, sus resultados han sido probados consistentemente, evidenciándose así su valor y rigor científico.

  • English

    The Delphi method is one of the most used and recognized due to its characteristics, which help to analyze the main factors of an environment and to forecast the future behavior of a phenomenon. Despite its wide acceptance and use, some authors have questioned its scientific rigor. Through an exhaustive and systematic review of the scientific literature and with the use of the methods: bibliographic review, content analysis and analytical-synthetic, the texts found in books, thesis and essays were analyzed, interpreted, collated and summarized. scientific articles related to the subject studied, which allowed the discussion on the benefits and bad practices in the use of the Delphi method. It is concluded that the problem of the Delphi method lies in the incorrect application of the methodology and in the shortcomings in carrying out the necessary actions to ensure its scientific rigor. This is a current method, accepted by the scientific community, its results have been consistently tested, thus evidencing its value and scientific rigor

  • português

    The Delphi method is one of the most used and recognized due to its characteristics, which help to analyze the main factors of an environment and to forecast the future behavior of a phenomenon. Despite its wide acceptance and use, some authors have questioned its scientific rigor. Through an exhaustive and systematic review of the scientific literature and with the use of the methods: bibliographic review, content analysis and analytical-synthetic, the texts found in books, thesis and essays were analyzed, interpreted, collated and summarized. scientific articles related to the subject studied, which allowed the discussion on the benefits and bad practices in the use of the Delphi method. It is concluded that the problem of the Delphi method lies in the incorrect application of the methodology and in the shortcomings in carrying out the necessary actions to ensure its scientific rigor. This is a current method, accepted by the scientific community, its results have been consistently tested, thus evidencing its value and scientific rigor.

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