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Resumen de Los inmigrantes:: Afanes y sacrificios en la universidad

Ana Farber

  • español

    El proyecto responde a la necesidad de conocer en qué medida y de qué manera launiversidad responde al desafío de afrontar la situación de desigualdad educativa yresponder a las necesidades sociales desde un enfoque teórico que parte del concepto decapital social (Bordieu y otros).Se analiza la propensión a adquirir cultura como un concepto complejo en el queintervienen factores sociales, institucionales y personales que requieren un esfuerzo dedelimitación y comprensión. Desde una estrategia metodológica que integra las dosperspectivas (cuanti-cuali) se estudian: las políticas de ingreso, de retención, lasconstrucciones subjetivas de los alumnos, las dificultades de aprendizaje típicas. Estopermite analizar ritmos, actitudes (expectativas subjetivas) y aptitudes (facilidadessociales y culturales).Se han realizado importantes avances en los desarrollos teóricos que permiten afrontarel objeto de estudio y se está desarrollando un estudio cuantitativo sobre una muestra dealumnos de diferentes carreras que poseen una característica común: son los primeros desu grupo familiar en llegar a la universidad.

  • English

    The draft responds to the need to know to what extent and how the university respondsto the challenge of facing the situation of inequality educational and respond to socialneeds from a theoretical approach that part of the concept of social capital (Bordieu andothers). Analyzes the propensity to acquire culture as a complex concept involvingsocial factors, institutional and personal requiring an effort to delimitation andunderstanding. From a methodological strategy that integrates the two prospects(quantitative-qualities) are studied: the policies of income, retention, the constructionssubjective of the students, the learning difficulties typical. This allows us to analyzerhythms, attitudes (subjective expectations) and skills (facilities social and cultural).There have been significant progress in the theoretical developments that allow face theobject of study and is developing a quantitative study on a sample of students ofdifferent races that have a common feature: are the first of his family group to arrive atthe university. A line more specifically linked to this draft general addresses the trainingfrom the opening of a new professional field university: the citizen security.Considering the training included in the process of building the academic field. In thisline, the array of information includes all institutional and social playersIn this line, the array of information includes all institutional and social players involvedand offers quantitative and qualitative information

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