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Resumen de Violencia digital contra las mujeres en México: caracterización, efectos, experiencias y redes

Laura Anahí Salgado Espinosa, Mayra L. Salgado Espinosa

  • español

    La violencia contra las mujeres ha sido una problemática social que ha atravesado de forma sistémica dentro y fuera de México, incluso en el espacio de Internet que, al tratarse de un entorno inmenso de tráfico de información, se vuelve en un espacio crítico y propicio para el traslado de las violencias cara a cara, a las digitales. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron analizar la prevalencia de las diferentes formas de violencia digital en mujeres mexicanas, analizar las emociones experimentadas durante el episodio, conocer el porcentaje de mujeres que denunciaron y ante qué instancia se realizó. Se aplicó un instrumento elaboradoad hoc a 168 mujeres mexicanas, con una media de edad de 26.11 años (D.T.= 7.09). El 82.7% ha experimentado insultos a través de internet, los principales agresores para los diferentes tipos de violencia fueron la pareja y/o expareja. La impotencia y la ansiedad fueron las emociones más identificadas. El 82.1% no denunció el hecho. La violencia digital es la suma de las otras violencias y permisos patriarcales, con coste en la vida de las mujeres mexicanas. Su visibilización así como sensibilización y concienciación en la sociedad, al reconocer que lo virtual es real, promueve la escucha activa y respeto a las experiencias, abonando a priorizar en la salud mental y la cultura de la denuncia.

  • English

    Violence against women has been a social problem that has traversed in a systemic way inside and outside of México, including the Internet space, which is an immense environment of information traffic that becomes a critical space conducive to the transfer of face-to-face violence’s, to digital ones. The objectives of the research were to analyze the prevalence of the different forms of digital violence in Mexican women, to analyze the emotions experienced during the episode, to know the percentage of women who reported it and to what instance it w Violence against women has been a social problem that has traversed in a systemic way inside and outside of México, including the Internet space, which is an immense environment of information traffic that becomes a critical space conducive to the transfer of face-to-face violence’s, to digital ones. The objectives of the research were to analyze the prevalence of the different forms of digital violence in Mexican women, to analyze the emotions experienced during the episode, to know the percentage of women who reported it and to what instance it was presented. An ad hoc instrument was applied to 168 Mexican women, with a mean age of 26.11 years (SD= 7.09). 82.7% have experienced insults through the internet; the main aggressors for the different types of violence were the partner and/or expartner. Helplessness and anxiety were the most identified emotions. 82.1% did not report the incident. Digital violence is the sum of other violence and patriarchal permissions, with a cost in the lives of Mexican women. Its visibility as well as sensitization and awareness in society, by recognizing that the virtual is real, promotes active listening and respect for experiences, contributing to prioritizing mental health and the culture of reporting.

    as presented. An ad hoc instrument was applied to 168 Mexican women, with a mean age of 26.11 years (SD= 7.09). 82.7% have experienced insults through the internet; the main aggressors for the different types of violence were the partner and/or expartner. Helplessness and anxiety were the most identified emotions. 82.1% did not report the incident. Digital violence is the sum of other violence and patriarchal permissions, with a cost in the lives of Mexican women. Its visibility as well as sensitization and awareness in society, by recognizing that the virtual is real, promotes active listening and respect for experiences, contributing to prioritizing mental health and the culture of reporting.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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