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Resumen de Giuristi classici di origine ebraica nella scienza giuridica tedesca del XIX e della prima metà del XX secolo Trento, 6-7 ottobre 2022

Elisa D'Anneo, Filippo Incontro

  • This report retraces the central passages of the conference Classical Jurists of Jewish Origin in German Legal Science in the Nineteenth and First Half of the Twentieth Century, organized by Fulvio Cortese and Luca Nogler of the University of Trent, two days of work in which the figure of Hugo Sinzheimer (1875-1945) and the jurists presented in the work, Jüdische Klassiker der Deutschen Rechtswissenschaft of 1938, were discussed. Scholars of public law, Roman law, labor law, as well as philosophy of law, morality and politics were confronted with the personalities and works of a selection of the jurists included in Sinzheimer's work.

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