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Resumen de “Ya no estás sola”: tramas, personajes y guiones. Experimentaciones con la ficción radiofónica desde la etnografía colaborativa

Aurora Alvarez Veinguer, Rocío García Soto, Dario Ranocchiari

  • español

    El propósito del presente artículo es reflexionar sobre una experiencia de escritura etnográfica de ficción que hicimos mientras hacíamos investigación colaborativa. Mediante un ejercicio de memoria, imaginación e investigación hemos creado un producto de ficción sonora junto a un colectivo social que lucha por el acceso a una vivienda digna: Stop Desahucios Granada 15M. Partiendo de la materialidad de uno de los guiones que forman parte de nuestro producto de ficción sonora, la radionovela, pretendemos en primer lugar mostrar de qué forma hemos elaborado los seis episodios de la serie, construyendo antes tramas y personajes, y después los diálogos. En segundo lugar hablaremos de los aspectos más performativos, de transgresión del guion, que hemos experimentado durante las grabaciones. En tercer lugar abordaremos dos “mutaciones” en las formas de hacer y presentar la etnografía que ha generado el despliegue colaborativo de estrategias de investigación basadas en la construcción de guiones de ficción sonora. Y por último plantearemos por qué consideramos que la elaboración de guiones de ficción han sido un elemento central de nuestra etnografía colaborativa.

    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on an experience of fictional ethnographic writing that we made while doing collaborative research. Through an exercise of memory, imagination and investigation, we created a radio fiction series together with a social movement that fights for the right to decent housing: Stop Desahucios Granada 15M. Starting from the materiality of one of the scripts that form part of our series, a radio soap opera, we want to show how we jointly wrote the six episodes of the series by constructing first the plots and characters, and after the dialogues. Secondly, we’ll reflect on the performative aspects of the production process, in which we transgressed the scripts. Thirdly, we will address two ‘mutations’ that the collaborative framework of our fiction-based research had generated in our way of doing and communicate ethnography. And finally, we’ll explain the reasons why we consider the writing of the scripts as a central element of our collaborative ethnography.

  • English

    The purpose of this paper is to reflect on an experience of fictional ethnographic writing that we made while doing collaborative research. Through an exercise of memory, imagination and investigation, we created a radio fiction series together with a social movement that fights for the right to decent housing: Stop Desahucios Granada 15M. Starting from the materiality of one of the scripts that form part of our series, a radio soap opera, we want to show how we jointly wrote the six episodes of the series by constructing first the plots and characters, and after the dialogues. Secondly, we’ll reflect on the performative aspects of the production process, in which we transgressed the scripts. Thirdly, we will address two ‘mutations’ that the collaborative framework of our fiction-based research had generated in our way of doing and communicate ethnography. And finally, we’ll explain the reasons why we consider the writing of the scripts as a central element of our collaborative ethnography.

Fundación Dialnet

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