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Resumen de Investigation of scientific results of practical and theoretical works of phd students of choreographic programs in the area of humanities integration

Таtiana V. Portnova

  • Integration of humanitarian knowledge into the training of sportsmen and dancers is very urgent today. We considered the domestic and international experience in this issue and revealed the insufficient spreading of humanitarian disciplines in the sphere in question. This topic is not examined well and this defines the purpose of its investigation – to study the results of research activity of PhD students of choreographic programs in the area of humanities integration.

    The problem of combining choreographic programs with training in the area of humanities is considered in this article.

    A special attention is paid to investigations and scientific-methodological elaborations of PhD students and leading practicing teachers in the field of spreading the program of studying humanitarian disciplines.

    The multi-vectorness of choreographic education, which can be considered as a metadisciplinary area is analyzed in the article, consequently, the teaching technique can be flexible.   The main investigation methods were as follows: comparative analysis, dialectic materialism, analogies and synthesis of the collected information.

    The following characteristic features were revealed as a result of actualizing knowledge in humanitarian disciplines: the growing interest of the graduates in the mastered profession, extended outlook spectrum, accumulated additional pedagogical skills.  The results can be used in training specialists in choreography.

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