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Resumen de Analysis and Applications of Sequential Hybrid ψ -Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations and Inclusions in Banach Algebra

A. Boutiara, J. Alzabut, A.G.M. Selvam, D. Vignesh

  • This research inscription gets to grips with a specific kind of sequential hybrid fractional differential equation en-capsuling a collective fractional derivative known as the ψ-Hilfer type fractional operator. The existence of the solutions of the forehanded equations is tackled by using Dhage fixed point theorem on Banach algebras while their uniqueness is handled capitalizing on the Banach fixed point theorem. On the top of this, the stability within the scope of Ulam-Hyers of solutions to these systems are considered. Finally, pertinent examples with applications are presented to corroborate the reported results.

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