Aquest estudi examina algunes empremtes verdaguerianes en Maragall vinculades amb diversos conceptes importants, de càrrega simbòlica, i de forta presència en l’imaginari col·lectiu al qual els dos poetes, Verdaguer i Maragall, donen veu: conceptes com ara la paraula, la fe, l’amor o el poble. S’hi destaca sobretot el concepte de paraula, entesa com a substància que dóna vida a una comunitat lingüística, i la paraula poètica com a força regeneradora i renovadora; finalment, malgrat les innovacions prosòdiques, s’hi fa patent una important continuïtat entre ambdós poetes.
This study examines several imprints of Verdaguer’s in Maragall in connection with various important concepts, symbolically charged, and showing a strong presence in the collective imaginary to which both poets, Verdaguer and Maragall, give voice: concepts such as the word, faith, love and peoples. Particularly noteworthy is the concept of the word, understood as the substance which gives life to a language community, and the poetic word as a regenerative and renovative force; finally, despite prosodic innovation, there is clearly an important continuity between the two poets.
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