Putu Dewi Puspitawati, I Made Yudana, Anak Agung Gede Agung, Ni Made Sri Merta Sari
The Covid-19 pandemic brings a new design of teaching and learning process. Teaching and learning process is done at home. Students access their learning material online. Especially, in reading class, students get online reading text to be learned. This study aimed at investigating the level of students reading interest and the correlation with the reading satisfaction during in online learning. There were 100 senior high school students became the subject of the present study. The data were obtained through conducting survey technique using close ended questionnaire. The result of the study showed that the interest level of most students was high with 3.60 mean score and 1.21439 (St). In addition, the score of Sig. (2-tailed) was 0.037 in which 0.037 < 0.050 means that there is a significant correlation between reading interest and reading satisfaction. Thus, it can be said that reading interest influence reading satisfaction. All the educational stakeholders are expected to build a reading habit and facilitate learning source to the students.
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