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Resumen de El puente antiguo de Peñafiel sobre el río Duero: estudio histórico y arquitectónico

Salvador Repiso Cobo

  • español

    El puente de piedra sobre el río Duero, objeto de este estudio, se ubica en el término municipal de Peñafiel, en la carretera que une esta población con la de Esguevillas. Posee dos estructuras claramente diferenciadas: una románica, de mediados del siglo XII, cuando se funda la villa; otra del renacimiento tardío (1624). Sobre la primera se efectuarán añadidos y reformas en periodos posteriores. A finales del XIX el puente es ya casi una reliquia. Se conciben planes de restauración y ensanche, que no se llegan a ejecutar. En 1945 se construyó un puente nuevo, paralelo al primitivo. Este se abandona; algunos de sus componentes se arruinan. En 2006 se restaura y es destinado para el ocio: tráfico de peatones y bicicletas. Efectuamos su estudio a partir de fuentes diplomáticas y del análisis de sus estructuras arquitectónicas procurando establecer cronologías. Lo arropamos en todo momento con su oportuno contexto histórico.

  • English

    The stone bridge over the Duero river, which is the subject of this study, is located in the municipality of Peñafiel, on the road that links this town with Esguevillas. It has two clearly differentiated structures: one Romanesque, dating from the mid-12th century, when the town was founded; the other from the late Renaissance (1624), which is an extension of the previous building. Additions and alterations were made to the former in later periods. By the end of the 19th century, the bridge was almost a relic. Restoration and widening plans were drawn up but were never carried out. In 1945, a new bridge was built parallel to the original one. The bridge was abandoned; some of its components fell into ruin. In 2006, it was restored and used for leisure purposes: pedestrian and bicycle traffic. We carried out a study based on diplomatic sources and the analysis of its architectural structures, always trying to establish chronologies. It is always wrapped up in its corresponding historical context.

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