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Resumen de Solitary wave solutions in two-core optical fibers withcoupling-coefficient dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity

S. Abbagari, A. Houwe, Hadi Rezazadeh, Ahmet Bekir, S.Y. Doka

  • This paper studies solitary wave solutions in two-core optical fibers with coupling-coefficient dispersion and intermodal dispersion. Toconstruct bright, dark and W-shape bright solitons, the couple of nonlinear Schr ̈odinger equations describing the pulses propagation alongthe two-core fiber have been reduced to one equivalent equation. By adopting the traveling-waves hypothesis, exact analytical solutions ofthe generalized nonlinear Schr ̈odinger equation (GNSE) were obtained by using three relevant mathematical methods, namely, the auxiliaryequation method, the modified auxiliary equation method and the sine-Gordon expansion approach. Lastly, the behavior of the solitonsolutions was discussed and some contours of the plot evolution of the bright, W-shape bright and dark solitons are obtained.

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