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Resumen de New magnetic flux flows with Heisenberg ferromagnetic spinof optical quasi velocity magnetic flows with flux density

T. Körpınar, Ridvan Cem Demirkol, Z. Körpınar, Vedat Asil

  • In this article, we first offer the approach of quasi magnetic Lorentz flux of quasi velocity magnetic flows of particles by the quasi frame in 3Dspace. We then obtain new optical conditions of quasi magnetic Lorentz flux by using directional quasi fields. Moreover, we determine thequasi magnetic Lorentz flux for quasi vector fields. Additionally, we give new constructions for quasi curvatures of quasi velocity magneticflows by considering Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin. Finally, the magnetic flux surface is demonstrated on a static and uniform magneticsurface by using the analytical and numerical results.

Fundación Dialnet

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