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Resumen de Nostalgia, equivoco e narrazione dell'"homo humanus": il mito etico tra "Analogia del soggetto" di Olivetti e "Lettera sull'" «umanismo» di Heidegger

Matteo Pietropaoli

  • This paper aims to discuss the essence of the human being and of an original ethics and the correlations between them, as presented in the text of Marco Maria Olivetti Analogy of the Subject. Heidegger is taken as a major point of comparison in this discussion, as he is a main reference in Olivetti’s works, and the former’s Letter on “Humanism” is put forward as common ground. Given this premise, the paper first offers an inquiry into the meaning of human being and ethics and into the points that the two authors have in common. After which, it will highlight points of contrast on issues such as “nostalgic thinking”, “homecoming” and human essence as “existence” (Dasein).

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