Both feminine and masculine models that are transmitted through child and youth literature, together with the ideology and values, may exert a negative influence on children. The main objective of the present research was to detect sexism from a gender perspective. For this aim, an analytic reading of 144 child and youth modern literature books has been conducted in order to examine the evolution of the image of women and men. This analysis has shown that, despite some advances, sexism remains present on the modern literature.
Haur eta gazte literaturak transmititzen dituen eredu femeninoak eta maskulinoak, ideologiarekin eta balioekin batera, umeengan eragin negatiboa izan dezake. Ikerketa lan honek, genero ikuspegitik sexismoa detektatzeko, euskal haur eta gazte literatura modernoaren 144 liburuen irakurketa analitikoa egin da emakumearen eta gizonaren irudiaren eboluzioa aztertzeko asmoz.
Aurrerapenak egon diren arren, sexismoak presente egoten jarraitzen du.
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