Estados Unidos
City of Vermillion, Estados Unidos
Es reseña de:
The twilight of common dreams: why america is wracked by culture wars
Todd Gitlin
New York : Metropolitan books, 1995
Specters of Marx: the state of the debt, the work of mourning, and the new international
Jacques Derrida, P. Kamuf (trad.)
New York : Routledge, 1994
Todd Gitlin. THE TWILIGHT OF COMMON DREAMS: WHY AMERICA IS WRACKED BY CULTURE WARS. New York: Metropolitan books, 1995; pp. 219, $25.00.
Jacques Derrida. (P. Kamuf, Trans.). SPECTERS OF MARX: THE STATE OF THE DEBT, THE WORK OF MOURNING, AND THE NEW INTERNATIONAL New York: Routledge, 1994. Pp. 198. $16.95 (paper).
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