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Resumen de Pensiero e realtà: La problematizzazione del rapporto fra soggetto e mondo in Kant e Hegel

Luca Illetterati

  • In the present contribution the author will take issue with the simplistic view that understands the philosophical movement that goes from Kant to Hegel as a form of “subjectivist idealism” - the latter being a philosophical theory according to which the reality of the world is entirely absorbed within the framework of subjectivity, making the world nothing but a construction of the thinking subject. Both Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophies are, on the contrary, the radical attempt to save the world from being reduced to a projection, construction or appearance made up by the subject. The radical nature of these attempts lies in the fact that they are at the same time committed to the following claim: the epistemic structures of subjectivity are far from being alien to the inner structures of reality. This proximity is rather the very condition of possibility for a subject to access the world, and a fortiori for a true knowledge of the world itself.

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