Miguel Rojas es el dramaturgo costarricense que más ha reflexionado sobre nuestra historia con una visión muy crítica sobre el poder político. Él busca con esmero la verdad, el orden y la justicia. Ha incurrido en el teatro social cotidiano como también en aquel que incluye leyendas sociales y tradicionales. Sus personajes, víctimas de sus bajas pasiones, enfrentan un panorama de valores y modelos rescatables
Miguel Rojas es perhaps the costarrican playwright who has depende more in our historic processes and developements with a clear, frank, sincere, and honeste vision in order to portray and to transnmit to what extent a human being is capable of while exerting power, in general terms. He searches, as precisely as possible, for truth, order and justice. Nevertheless, he has also incurred into the everyday-social theatre as well as that which regards the local and tradicional legends. Hence, once again, his deprived and emotionally thwarted characters are victims of their own low-passions provoking reactions from us, readers of spectators, so we may revalue, first, our attitudes, and secondly, that we study our virtues in order to be better costarrican citizens, consequently, better human beings.
Miguel Rojas relieves, insistis and claims that Costa Rica has in its own history an ample scope of valuees and standards that can still be achieved and rescued
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