La presencia de comunidaes asturianes nos Estaos Xuníos dende fines del sieglu XIX (nes fábricas de tabacu de Tampa) hasta metá del sieglu XX (nes mines de cinc de Virxinia Occidental), foi enforma relevante. Pese a esto, los estudios venceyaos a la cultura asturiana nel mundu académicu norteamericanu —a diferencia de lo que pasó cola cultura vasca, catalana y gallega— son dafechu inesistentes. Cualquier averamientu a esti campu d’investigación fíxose a partir d’iniciatives personales, con un importante componente afeutivu la mayoría d’elles y ensin grandes posibilidaes de continuidá. Nesti artículu faigo una revisión en primer persona de lo que foi la mio contribución a l’asturianística en Nueva York, dende’l momentu nel que llego a esta ciudá en 1994 y empiezo a buscar y crear espacios nos que tengan cabida la llingua, la lliteratura y la cultura asturianes, hasta l’apaición d’esi mundu virtual pandémicu qu’abrió nuevos caminos a la collaboración y qu’entama a facer posible qu’una comunidá muncho más atomizada que la de sieglos anteriores trabaye en comuña y afiance unos estudios que reflexen la nuesa presencia nesti país.
The presence of Asturian communities in the United States from the end of the 19th century (in Tampa’s tobacco factories) until the middle of 20th century (in West Virginia’s zinc mines) has been particularly remarkable. Nevertheless, the Asturian cultural studies within the US academy —unlike what had happened with the Basque, Catalan and Galician cultural studies— is almost non existent. The initiatives in this field of study that were made were done so on a personal basis, most hinging on an important emotional component and without much chance of continuity. In this article I make a first-person review of what my contribution to Asturian studies in New York was from the moment that I come to this city in 1994 and begin to look for and create spaces for the Asturian language, literature and culture until the sudden appearance of this virtual pandemic-generated world. This world opened new roads to collaboration and made it possible for a much more atomized community to start working together and consolidate those studies that reflect our current and actual presence in this country.
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