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Resumen de Syndrome of inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone associated to pulmonary thromboembolism: A non-described cause of hyponatremia in the literature.

Carlos Guido Musso, Manuel Vilas, M Chiapella, P Conti, Juliana Reynaldi, Cesar Mombelli, Matilde Navarro, S Frydelund, S. Algranati

  • español

    El síndrome de secreción inadecuada de hormona antidiurética (SIADH) es una condición que puede asociarse a diversas neumopatías.

    En el presente reporte clínico se presenta un caso de SIHAD asociado a un tromboembolismo pulmonar. Hasta donde sabemos, la asociación entre TEP y SIHAD no había sido reportada aun en la literatura, y presentamos como hipótesis etiológica la liberación de citoquinas inductoras de la secreción de vasopresina, secundaria al daño parenquimatoso pulmonar del TEP.

  • Multiple

    Syndrome of inadequate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is a condition that can be associated to various sort of lung diseases.

    In this report we present a clinical case where a SIADH associated to pulmonary thromboembolism was documented. As long as we know, this association has not been described yet in the literature, and we hypothesized that lung cytokines released due to pulmonary necrosis could be the main stimulus to vasopressin secretion in this entity.

    Conclusion: Pulmonary thromboembolism should be incorporated in the list of lung causes of SIADH

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