Pilar Carolina Castelao Legazpi, María de la Fe Rodríguez Muñoz, María Eugenia Olivares Crespo, Cristina Soto Balbuena, N. Izquierdo Méndez
La maternidad es un momento en la vida de las mujeres en el que se necesita especialmente el apoyo del entorno social para mitigar las demandas que requieren el periodo de gestación y el posparto inmediato. Método: En este estudio multicéntrico, la muestra incluye 1524 mujeres embarazadas reclutadas del área obstétrica de dos hospitales españoles de tercer nivel asistencial. Se comparan las respuestas de las mujeres que dicen presentar ideación suicida con aquellas que informan no presentarla, analizando sus respuestas al ítem 9 del Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) y se comparan las diferencias en las distintas dimensiones del PHQ-9 (cognitivo-afectiva, somática y puerperal). Se analiza qué componentes del apoyo social percibido funcionaban como factores predictores de la ideación suicida prenatal, mediante el análisis de sus respuestas en el Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory (PDPI-R). Resultados: Las mujeres con ideación suicida tienen mayor carga cognitiva-afectiva, somática y puerperal, frente a las que no presentan ideación suicida. La falta de apoyo emocional percibido de la pareja o las amistades y la falta de apoyo práctico percibido de la familia son factores que predicen la ideación suicida. Discusión: Es importante proporcionar a las mujeres con apoyo social efectivo para prevenir la ideación suicida.
Introduction: Motherhood is a time in women's lives when support from the social environment is especially needed to mitigate the demands required by the gestation period and the immediate postpartum period.Methods: In this multicentre study, the sample includes 1524 pregnant women recruited from the obstetric area of two Spanish tertiary care hospitals. We compare the responses of women who report suicidal ideation with those who report no suicidal ideation. We analyzed their responses to item 9 of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and com-paring the differences in the different dimensions of the PHQ-9 (cognitive-affective, psychomotor, and preg-nancy-related somatic). Analysing their responses on the Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory (PDPI-R), we also studied which components of perceived social support worked as predictors of prenatal suicidal idea-tion.Results: Women with suicidal ideation have higher pregnancy-related cognitive-affective, psychomotor, and somatic burden compared to those without suicidal idea-tion. Perceived lack of emotional support from partners or friends and perceived lack of practical support from fam-ily are predictors of suicidal ideation.Introduction: Mater-nity is a time in women's lives when the support of the social environment is especially needed to mitigate the de-mands required by the gestation period and the immediate postpartum period.Methods: In this multicentre study, the sample includes 1524 pregnant women recruited from the obstetric area of two Spanish tertiary care hospitals. We compare the responses of women who report suicidal ide-ation with those who report no suicidal ideation, analysing their responses to item 9 of the Patient Health Question-naire (PHQ-9) and comparing the differences in thediffer-ent dimensions of the PHQ-9 (cognitive-affective, so-matic, and puerperal).We analysed which components of perceived social support functioned as predictors of pre-natal suicidal ideation by analysing their responses on the Postpartum Depression Predictors Inventory (PDPI-R). Results: Women with suicidal ideation have higher cogni-tive-affective, somatic, and puerperal burden compared to those without suicidal ideation. Perceived lack of emo-tional support from partners or friends and perceived lack of practical support from family are predictors of suicidal ideation.Discussion: Providing women with effective so-cial support is important to prevent suicidal ideation.
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