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Resumen de A vueltas con los límites de la vida humana: De ausencias y presencias en las narrativas sobre el embrión humano

Lorena Ruiz Marcos, Carmen Romero Bachiller

  • Where to draw the limits of what a life is and, more precisely, a “human life”? This is a question that sparks many debates around the definition of the beginning and the end of human life. Building on this question, focusing on the beginnings of human life, this paper addresses a range of sociomaterial configurations that shape the limits of human life. Through the lens of posthumanism, we analyze the human embryo as a liminal space, one in which different controversies on the origin of human life are articulated, revolving around three dimensions (morphological, spatial and temporal ones). Our approach defies linear narratives about the human and points instead to its precariousness, instability and dependency, all of which are usually excluded from those linear narratives of success. This paper does also stress the absences and the assemblages that make the emergence of the embryo possible, as elements that allow us to think its relation to the human in the framework of alternative ontologies.

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