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Resumen de Los desconocidos conocidos de “El Licenciado Vidriera” y las manoplas de Bernie Sanders

Brian M. Phillips

  • español

    Para el pensador esloveno todo esto "means that the true world spirit of our time was there, in his lone figure embodying skepticism about the fake normalization staged in the ceremony" ("First"). Žižek parece concordar con la reflexión de Rumsfeld a pesar de resaltar un agujero negro en la teoría del exministro: "the main dangers lie in the "unknown knowns"-the disavowed beliefs, suppositions and obscene practices we pretend not to know about, even though they form the background of our public values" ("What"). Esta cuarta admisión en la teoría de Rumsfeld nos ayuda a especular sobre el motivo clandestino de los EEUU y sus cómplices, que con toda probabilidad habría sido el de mantener control sobre una zona rica en recursos naturales petroleros. En el personaje de don Quijote nos exhibe un señor que vive bajo códigos sociales dispares y anticuados frente a su actual posición del siglo diecisiete, desvelando el cambio de las costumbres sociales a medida que transcurre el tiempo.

  • English

    This essay examines character development toward an extreme marginalization through the lens of eccentricity in the form of the “Licenciado Vidriera” as compared to the treatment of marginalized cultural phenomena of the 21st-century. The Cervantine character, Tomás Rodaja, represents a literary figure who is used to point out societal absurdities by dint of his madman worldview. The examination of this character in parallel with 21st-century phenomena unearths the theatricality of cultural norms, thereby signaling a fluidity in ideological understandings of society and culture. Key to this understanding is the theoretical underpinnings of the study, which take the form of Slavoj Žižek’s observations on the unknown knowns of ideology

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