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Resumen de Modificación do Regulamento da Lei de Sociedades Cooperativas de Andalucía

Francisco José Torres Pérez

  • English

    The Decree 149/2021 modified the Regulations of the Andalusian Cooperative Societies Law. The primary objective of that modification was to adapt the regulation to the changes made in the Law in 2018. However, the changes also affected certain technical corrections, aspects of registration and the sanctioning regime.

  • galego

    O Decreto 149/2021 modificou o Regulamento da Lei de Sociedades Cooperativas Andaluzas. A modificación tivo como obxecto prioritario adaptar a norma regulamentaria aos cambios operados na Lei no 2018. Non obstante, os cambios tamén afectaron certas correccións técnicas, a aspectos de rexistro e ao réxime sancionador.

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