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Resumen de Migraciones, religión y ejército romano: Factores de una diversidad cultural

Marco Almansa Fernández

  • Migration occurs, as it did in the past, because of crises that lead a community or an individual tomove from one place to another. So-called migration crises are nothing more than population movements insearch of personal improvement. Another type of transfer was carried out by legionaries in ancient Rome, whomoved for military needs, becoming agents in the process of Romanization of the conquered territories. Oneexample is Britannia, where the different daily activities (marriages, worship, trade) around the camp werethe ingredients of Roman cultural expansion. The arrival of the legions, together with their civilians, meantthat they coincided with other pre-existing cultures in the territory in which they settled. This meant that thecities, formed under the protection of the military camp, experienced an explosion of coexistence of multiplecultures, something that characterized almost all the provinces of Roman territory. Against this background,we would like to study the cultural impact of the encounter between the indigenous populations, the legions,and their civilians. In the last case, the reflection on the interculturality that existed in Roman times and thatendures to the present day.

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