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Resumen de Increasing Islamic Philanthropic Funds is an Approach Model With a Trust Variable as an Intermediary

Mujahidin Mujahidin, M.E.I, Muhammad Nasir Hamzah, Amiruddin Kadir, Muh Shuhufi

  • Purpose:  This study aims to analyze the increasing islamic philanthropic funds is an approach model with a trust variable as an intermediary.

      Design/methodology/approach:  This research uses quantitative research methods, The data received the surveys online in Google Form style via WhatsApp and other social media. The whole responses from respondents who completed Google Forms successfully have been saved in up to 264 records.   The measuremeant choice item scale with a five-point Likert scale that ranges from "Strongly Disagree" (1) to "Strongly Agree" (5) for the construction of the model structure.  data analysis in this study using the SmartPLS program. Hypothesis testing with the SEM approach is carried out in two stages, namely testing the outer model and the inner model.

      Findings:  The results of the study concluded that the data tested through the validity test proved that all valid data had no value below <0.5. So at this stage the Iteration Model/Stage_1 is said to be a good/fit model. So that it can be continued in the next analysis. In this study, trust becomes an intermediary that influences the preferences of benefactors in channeling their Islamic Philantropic funds.

      Research, Practical & Social implications:  provide input to zakat managers or amil zakat to create innovations and approaches in gaining the trust of muzakki.

      Originality/value:  This paper is one of the first papers in the Indonesian context to address the trust effect of Islamic Philantropic Funds.

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