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Resumen de Tra disegni compiuti e tasselli ancora mancanti: mosaici giurisprudenziali (sopranazionali ed interni) a proposito della decisione di diventare genitori e procreare (ovvero di non farlo)

Stefano Agosta

  • Right to life undoubtedly represents a privileged perspective to look at the plot of relations between the most important supranational jurisprudences such as, above all, European Human Rights Jurisprudence and Inter-American Human Rights one (EDU and IDU). A progressive jurisprudential evolution has so connoted bio-graphic dimension of right to life: from the original claim to not spread private facts to current one of funding personal and most intimate life-projects (crossing the intermediate step represented by the ban for Public Authorities to interfere in private sphere). The present work so intends to critically examine latest jurisprudential EDU and IDU endings about the decision to start/continue the pregnancy (in Medically Assisted Procreation and Surrogacy cases) as much as the opposed one to not start/interrupt the pregnancy (with particular reference to right to take preliminary information about possible voluntary termination of pregnancy or about embryos before they are implanted in the uterus).

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