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Resumen de Bidaia geometrikoa kurbetatik itsas maskorretara

Judith Echevarrieta Ibarra, Yosu Arroyo Olea, Francisco Javier Gutierrez García

  • euskara

    Naturako objektu asko harrigarriak dira, bai beren egituren formagatik eta bai betetzen dituzten propietateengatik. Baina, normalean, egitura misteriotsuak direla sinestearekin konformatzen gara, haien azterketa gure jakinduriaren irispidean ez dagoela uste baitugu. Artikulu honetan, itsas maskorrek itsasoko bizi-baldintza bortitzetan bizirauteko daukaten gaitasunaz erakarrita, erakutsiko dugu beren gorputzek deskribatzen dituzten egiturak argitu, ulertu eta imitatu ere egin ditzakegula. Horretarako, guztiok ezagun ditugun elementu geometriko batzuez baliatuko gara: kurbak. Kurbak izango dira eredu geometriko baten eraikuntzaren oinarria, zeinak, konputazio grafikoak eskaintzen dituen tresnekin batera, itsas maskorren mundura bidaiatzea ahal-bidetuko digun garraioa osatuko duen. Bidaia irudi errealisten sorkuntzarekin amaituko da.

  • English

    There are many objects in nature which are amazing both for the shape of their structures and for the properties they fulfill. But, we usually settle for believing that they are mysterious structures, since we think that the study of them is not within the reach of our wisdom. In this article, attracted by the shells’ ability to survive in the harsh living conditions at sea, we will show that it is possible to reveal, understand and even imitate the structures that describe their bodies. To achieve this goal, we will make use of geometric elements that we all know, curves. Curves will be the basis for the construction of a geometric model that, together with the tools provided by computer graphics, will make up the transport that will allow us to travel to the world of seashells. The trip will end with obtaining photorealistic images that are difficult to distinguish from reality.

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