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Resumen de A Silvicultura em Portugal no século XIX

Maria Carlos Radich

  • English

    In this study we propose to delineate the trajectory of the portuguese sylviculture,in is theorical sense, thoughout the last century. There are three main areas in which its concerns are displayed. The firts one contains the study of the forest that exists, divided in the knowledge and utilization of the forest,and in considerations about the main portuguese forestal species, the second includes a study about the forest to exist, that goes nammely through the forestation of dunes,mountains and barren lands, finally the third is dedicated to the enrichment of the florestal patrimony. At the end,we conclude that during the second half of the XIX th century the portuguese sylviculture overcomes the previous disarticulation,forging a global concepcion.

  • français

    Cet article fait l' esquise du parcours téorique de la sylviculture portugaise au long du demier siêcle.

    Les trois sujets principaux sont: premieremem I' étude de laforêt existente qui comprend la connaissance et l'utilisation de la forêt et des considérations sur les espêces forestiêres portugaises; Ie deuxieme point comprend de laforêt du futur ce qui passe par l'arboriculture des dunes.des montagnes et du maquis; le troísieme point parle de l' enrichissenient du patrimoine forestier.

    Finalement on arrive à la conclusion suivante: dans la deuxíerne moitié du XIX" siécle la sylviculture portugaise surpasse la désarticulation antérieure et arrive à une conception globale.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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