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Resumen de Dal discorso fiorentino del primo ministro May al quinto round delle trattative per il recesso e le future relazioni tra il Regno Unito e l’Unione europea

Carlo Curti Gialdino

  • BREXIT: FROM MAY’S FLORENCE SPEECH TO THE FIFTH ROUND OF THE NEGOTIATION This article explores the Brexit EU-UK negotiation at the present time. The author particularly focuses on the speech given by the Prime Minister Teresa May in Florence on 22 December 2017. This speech was supposed to be a re-launching of the negotiations on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU. Unfortunately, the author highlights that Teresa May showed to be still very confused about the Brexit and the future relations between UK and EU. Thus, starting from a deep survey of the above cited speech, the author makes a legal analysis on the period post-Brexit, giving some prediction on the time to come.

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