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Resumen de È giunto finalmente il momento dell’introduzione del reato di tortura? Luci e ombre di un provvedimento da troppo tempo atteso (col rischio di un’ennesima occasione mancata)

Emanuele La-Rosa

  • On May 17, 2017 the Senate approved the bill for the introduction of the crime of torture in Italian law.

    This measure should enable the fulfillment of constitutional and international obligations imposed on our country. Obligations have so far remained largely unimplemented, as repeatedly highlighted by the ECHR jurisprudence.

    The text approved by the Senate has a number of elements can not be positively viewed that not seem to allow effective suppression of the episodes of torture in accordance with international law.

    Particularly questionable is the decision not to consider torture as a crime of a public official; as well as to punish only repeated episodes of torture For these reasons, it would be desirable for the Chamber of Deputies to approve a number of improvements.

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