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Resumen de O "mundo do trabalho" e o associativismo em Coimbra no século XIX (1850-1870)

João Lourenço Roque

  • English

    The focus of the present paper is greater Coimbra, a city whose scholarly dimension had important repercussions on the economic, social and cultural landscape. This was a "dual" landscape, where the prominence of the "service" sector combined with the crafts to give rise to a plurality of social and professional activities. A picture is presented here in which two kinds of images emerge against a changing background: the working word, oscillating between the bourgeois and the proletarian (or even "marginal") condition; and "associativism". As to the latter, a special emphasis is given to mutual help societies, which aimed at alleviating workers' lack of protection while pressing for new values behaviours and solidarities. The "associativism" alluded to refers both to men and women, as is the case of the pioneering Coimbra Association for the Female Sex.

  • français

    Cet article se limite à Coimbra (espace urbain et périphéries), dont la dimension universitaire se projette sur le paysage économique, social et culturel, Paysage "duel", nuancé d'une grande diversité socio-professionnelle, résultat de l'importance des services et des structures productives artisanales. Nous évoquons, dans un cadre de transition, des images du monde du travail oscillant entre la condition bourgeoise et prolétaire (voire "marginale") et de l'associativisme; une attention particuliere est portée aux sociétés de secours mutueis qui visaient à réduire la vulnérabilité des travailleurs et à inspirer des valeurs, des solidarités et des comportements nouveaux. Associativisme masculin, mais féminin également comme en témoigne la pionniêre Associação Conimbricense do Sexo Feminino.

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