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Resumen de Palynostratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous sediments in the Nyle Delta Region, Egypt

Ismail Z. Sultan

  • Palynostratigraphic study on the Lower Cretaceous clastic sediments of Shibin El Kom-1 well, Nile Delta, Egypt, has revealed the presence of three successive palynological zones belonging to Neocomian, Barremian and Early Aptian ages. The plant microfossils comprise 67 miospore species assigned to 35 genera. The palynofloras were found to be derived principally from pteridophyte-gymnosperm vegetations with minor contribution of angiosperms at the advent of the Aptian age. The paleoecological significance of the recognized plant microfossils has been discussed. The palynological data revealed that the Nile Delta region belongs to the Northern Gondwana phytogeoprovince in the Early Cretaceous time.

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