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Resumen de Freshwater ostracoda from the Cache Valley formation (Pliocene) of Southeastern Idaho

F. M. Swain

  • A small fauna of 20 species of freshwater Ostracoda is described and illustrated from the Cache Valley Formation, probably of Pliocene age, in Franklin County, southeastern Idaho. Eight of the species are new, seven have been previously described and five are given affinitive assignments or are left in open nomenclature. The new species are: Herpetocypris franklinensis, n. sp.; Cypria hoopescreekensis, n. sp.; Candona diffusoidea, Candona dipunta, Candona kingcreekensis, n. sp.; Fusocandona cachevalleyensis, n. sp.; Fusocandona exotica, n. sp.; Neolimnocythere?prestonensis, n. sp.

    The assemblage is typical of a shallow calcium carbonate rich eutrophic temperate lake.

    Several of the species suggest correlation with the Glenns Ferry Formation of southwestern Idaho, the Hay Ranch Formation of northeastern and north-central Nevada, and with some part of the Salt Lake Group of northern Utah.

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