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Resumen de Um programa de desenvolvimento regional da Ilustração no Minho.: O pensamento e a acção do corregedor João Nepomuceno Pereira da Fonseca

José Viriato Capela

  • English

    The magistrate João Nepomuceno Pereira da Fonseca, natural of Barcelos, in the Minho, economist with a illustrated formation, that exerted regal positions first in the Alentejo and later in the Minho, left us, from these extreme territories of Portugal, a social and economic description, a counterpoint that later would be retaken.

    In the Minho where the small property and the emphyteusis support an abundant population more and raised development levels, he must develop itself, in a perspective of regional division of the activities, those productions that gi ve reply to the essential necessities of the population, to the physical and climatic capacities of the land, to the requests of its commerce, true bond of its civil society.

  • français

    La magistrat João Nepomuceno Pereira da Fonseca, naturel de Barcelos, au Minho, economist de formation illustré, qui a exercé des charges royaux, premierement dans l'Alentejo et aprés au Minho, nous a laissé de ces régions extrêmes une description économique et sociale, à contrepoint, que aprês serait reprise.

    Au Minho, ou la petite proprieté et ]' emphytéose soutiennent une population abondante et plus élevés niveaux de développement, se doit déveloper dans une perspective de division regionel des acti vités essenciels de la population, aux capacités physiques et climatiques de la terre, aux solicitations de son commerce, vrai lien de sa société civile.

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